Schools throughout the United States are adopting block scheduling in dramatically increasing numbers. The move to block scheduling, however, has sparked controversy.
Hailed by proponents as a vehicle for greater depth and flexibility in education, block scheduling has turned off some educators and parents, who criticize it as a faddish approach that fails to enhance academic performance.
In an article titled "All Around the Block: The Benefits and Challenges of a Non-Traditional School Schedule," Michael D. Rettig and Robert Lynn Canady estimate that "more than 50 percent of high schools in the United States are either using or considering a form of block scheduling."
In contrast with the traditional daily, six-, seven-, or eight-period schedule, a block schedule consists of three or four daily longer periods. Widely used forms of block scheduling are the alternate-day schedule, the 4/4 semester plan, and the trimester plan.
In the alternate-day schedule students and teachers meet every-other-day for extended time periods rather than meeting every day for shorter periods.
In the 4/4 semester plan students complete four "yearlong" courses that meet for about 90 minutes every day during a 90-day semester.
Students take two or three courses every 60 days in a trimester plan to earn six to nine credits per year.Many schools work with schedules that are variations or combinations of these plans. For example, a school in Broward County, Florida, has adapted the trimester plan by adding three year-long classes to six trimester courses in order to accommodate musical performing groups and Advance Placement subjects, which need or prefer to go year round. Other school districts combine long terms and short terms to provide time for remediation and enrichment for students, as needed.
Rettig and Canady maintain that a handful of factors are motivating middle and high schools across the United States to adopt block scheduling:
- When students attend as many as eight relatively short classes in different subjects every day, instruction can become fragmented; longer class periods give students more time to think and engage in active learning.
- A schedule with one relatively short period after another can create a hectic, assembly-line environment;
- A schedule that releases hundreds or thousands of adolescents into hallways six, seven, or eight times each school day for four or five minutes of noise and chaotic movement can exacerbate discipline problems.
- Teachers benefit from more useable instructional time each day because less time is lost with beginning and ending classes.
In addition, the alternate-day schedule reduces the time teachers spend in record keeping because records need be kept only every other day instead of every day.
In the 4/4 format, in any one semester teachers prepare for fewer courses and work with fewer students. Grades and records need be kept for fewer students per semester. In addition, some students graduate in three years or earn a year of college credit while still in high school because eight credits can be earned each school year.
Like block scheduling, the Copernican Plan, developed by Joseph M. Carroll, also challenges the traditional organization of secondary schools. According to Carroll, a former superintendent who is now an education consultant and author, nothing is wrong with the traditional schedule "except that it prevents teachers from teaching well and students from learning well." Carroll also says that under a traditional secondary schedule, "teachers cannot deal meaningfully with every student every day..."
"Four hundred years ago, the renaissance scholar Copernicus demonstrated the unsystematic movements of the planets could be systematically explained if one begins with the assumption that the sun, not the earth, is the center of the universe (as was then thought)," Carroll explains. "Similarly, our Copernican Plan [challenges] tradition, the traditional organization of our secondary schools and particularly our high schools. Like Copernicus, the plan deals with facts and research that has been known for a long time, but which never seemed to make sense in the real world of schools.""The Copernican Plan is not about 'block scheduling.' It is about the relationship between time and learning," Carroll adds. It involves change based on research and change that is systemic. It has a built-in method of continuing evaluation.
Carroll emphasizes that the Copernican Plan is not an end; it is a means to an end.
Even though more and more schools are switching to block scheduling, the approach has drawn fire from some educators and parents. Critics of block scheduling assert that the new scheduling format creates or exacerbates certain educational problems.
What will students do for 90-minute periods? critics ask. Proponents of block scheduling cite active learning as the key to keeping students engaged and learning during longer periods. But, even with a block-scheduling format, critics say, many teachers continue simply to lecture students rather than engaging them in active learning. Block scheduling in itself is no guarantee of active learning. And if active learning doesn't take place during, for example, a 90-minute class period, students may have trouble paying attention for the entire class.
Opponents of block scheduling, like the group Parents for Academic Excellence based in Lansdale, Pennsylvania, point out that student absences create problems under block scheduling. Making up missed work is always difficult. But when a student misses one day of classes under block scheduling, the student misses the equivalent of two days of instruction under the traditional system. A weeklong absence means the student misses two weeks of material. Such an absence may cause a student to fall behind to the extent that making up the work is difficult.
Teacher absences may lead to other problems, according to doubters. Under block scheduling, will a substitute teacher be qualified to teach 90-minute periods of, for example, physics?
Courses like languages or mathematics are sequential. Some critics of block scheduling point out that a student may take French I in the fall, not take French at all in the spring, go through the summer, and then take French II the following fall. At issue is how much French the student will recall after a break of several months. Advocates of block scheduling say most forgetting happens in the first few weeks after a course is taken. Yet critics point to studies that indicate greater memory loss over longer periods of time.
A practical hurdle also stands in the way of block scheduling in some school districts. A state arbitration panel in Connecticut recently ruled that Region 13, covering the towns of Durham and Middlefield, would have to pay teachers more under a proposed block schedule plan because teachers would be required to teach six different courses a year instead of five courses. The panel ruled that teachers should be compensated for added preparation time involved in an extra course, even if the teachers would teach for the same length of time. The school district still adopted block schedule after the ruling, but it reconfigured its scheduling to ensure that each teacher is responsible for only five courses.
Once advocates and opponents of block scheduling become entrenched, compromise between the groups can be difficult. In districts that have experienced a smooth transition to block scheduling, the administration has generally dealt with internal opposition that might exist among the staff and brought teachers on board before.
Here are Joseph M. Carroll's recommendations for handling the change process:
- "Process is not product." Don't let the process of change itself dominate for too long.
- "Successful change must be research-based and systemic." Center the process of change on developing a system based on sound instructional research and research-based evaluations of programs that led to improved student performance.
- "Leadership is critical." Leaders must be crystal clear about what they want.
- "Change the whole school at once." School-within-a-school or pilot programs threaten people without establishing a program.
- "Evaluate, evaluate, evaluate." Make evaluation an integral part of the program.
- "A caveat: Beware of the gifted opposition." Teachers and parents connected with honors courses are succeeding under the current system; often they view change as a threat to their position.
- "Determine how much change a school community can absorb." Limit the number of changes and sequence them carefully.
Block Scheduling: A Catalyst for Change in High Schools, by Robert L. Canady and Michael D. Rettig, Eye On Education, Princeton, N.J.
The Copernican Plan Evaluated: The Evolution of a Revolution and The Copernican Plan: Restructuring the American High School, by Joseph M. Carroll, Regional Laboratory for Educational Improvement of the Northeast and Islands, 300 Brickstone Square, Suite 900, Andover, Mass. 01983.
Think About Block Scheduling, by Robin J. Fogarty, IRI Skylight Training and Publishing, Palatine, Ill.
Retooling the Instructional Day, by Gerald E. Kosanovic, National Association of Secondary School Principals, Reston, VA, (703) 860-7227
"Debunking the Semesterizing Myth," by Dennis Raphael, M.W. Walstrom, and L.D. McLean, Canadian Journal of Education, Winter 1986
"Science Achievement in Semester and All-Year Courses," by David J. Bateson, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, March 1990
The block schedule has represented a shift in philosophy for about 20 years now, and I have listened to the discourse range from casual banter to vitrioloic. It frequently occurred me during those years that the arguments in favor of the change from 50 to 90 minutes were founded (then) on very little data. I t seemed to be assumed that more time/class equaled more depth, richer experience, and better outcomes. The obvious loss of breadth was dismissed as "less is more". My own conclusion was that in my subject area this probably did not apply, since there was limited breadth in my specific subjects (chemistry and physics) already. My school never did make the change, although I did experiment with going a little deeper. The result was a loss of breadth - no surprise, but some of the increased depth was a good outcome.
ReplyDeleteFast forward 15 - 20 years and I retire to a new school that supported a full 4 X 4 schedule, and there I was with 90 minutes. The results were surprising to me. Teachers were able to manage more breadth than I would have thought, and I ended up actually enjoying the new venue. While sparing this readership the details, after talkingwith many teachers and observing many subject areas during my years at this new school, I have the following deduction for a new Nirvana in public education.
Math and Foreign Language - traditional schedule; science - 50/50 on the block, Phys Ed, IA and FA - block, social studies and ELA vary with the course and perhaps the instructor. Bottom line - you lose breadth with the block, but not necessarily content. In some cases this is a good thing. Many folks would accuse me of being wishy - washy on this, but my opinion is founded on a lot of conversation and observation. One size does not fit all, and the frequently applied wide brush of education has no place here. Let the teachers of the line have a say in this decision based on their local building, and do not let administration make the decision in a vacuum.
Having had block scheduling in my high school, I believe that it is best for everyone involved. I felt that four 90 minute blocks a day in high school allowed me to feel much more focussed and productive than the eight forty-five minute periods of middle school. The day does not seem to drag on as much, as it takes much less out of me (and I assume the same for many of my peers) to go to four different classes a day rather than eight, regardless of the time allotted to each. It also makes for a much less stressful experience, as I didn’t have to do homework every single night for all of those classes. When, on occasion, we went back to eight periods in a day while planning out our schedules for the subsequent year, I was always amazed that we ever managed to get anything done back in middle school. It takes time for kids to get settled in and for teachers to take attendance, etc. Theoretically, block scheduling allows for greater depth and breadth just because students are more ready to learn than when their days are jam packed with shorter classes.
ReplyDeleteit takes much less out of me (and I assume the same for many of my peers) to go to four different classes a day rather than eight, regardless of the time allotted to each. Study in german
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