By James Vaznis GLOBE STAFF MARCH 10, 2016
EASTHAM — For decades, hundreds of
bleary-eyed students across the Outer Cape scrambled to beat the 7:25 a.m.
opening bell at Nauset Regional High School. Many set out before sunrise,
coffee in hand, and traveled up to 45 minutes. Then they struggled to stay
awake in class.
“At one point, we asked teachers not to
turn off lights or show movies, because we didn’t want students to fall back to
sleep,” said Tom Conrad, the former principal, now superintendent.
So in a state where most high schools start
before 8 a.m., Nauset school officials in 2012 did the unthinkable: They pushed
their start time back to 8:35 a.m., giving students an extra hour to sleep in.
The results were instantaneous,
administrators say. More students showed up to school refreshed. Tardiness fell
by 35 percent, and the number of Ds and Fs dropped by half.
Now, several high schools across
Massachusetts are exploring whether to follow suit. The push for later start
times is emerging in such districts as Belmont, Boston, Masconomet, Mashpee,
Newton, and Wayland. The state Legislature is considering a bill to study the
issue statewide.
For skeptics, the movement might seem like
pandering to the whims of undisciplined teenagers who want extra Zs. But an
increasing body of research has documented a shift in the biology of teenagers
that delays their sleep and wake-up cycles by about two hours, pushing off
their natural bedtime to 11 p.m. or later. That, in turn, means that if they
need to get to school at the crack of dawn, they will routinely get only five
or six hours of sleep.
The lack of adequate shut-eye can have
detrimental effects on the health and academic performance of teenagers,
increasing their risks for early morning car crashes, suicidal tendencies,
depression, binge drinking, drug overdoses, and bad grades, research has shown.
Several studies in recent years have recommended starting high school at 8:30 a.m.
or later, saying students should get between 8.5 and 9.5 hours of sleep per
night — not the 6 hours that is often the case.
“Some kids are exposed to the same degree
of sleep loss for four or five years,” said Judith Owens, director of the
Center for Pediatric Sleep Disorders at Boston Children’s Hospital. “It’s not a
good thing. . . . If you are asking teenagers to get up at 5:30 or 6, that is
their lowest point of alertness in their 24-hour cycle. It’s at that point
where their brain is most loudly saying ‘stay asleep.’”
Yet efforts in other districts to delay
start times have often been stymied. Critics say the change creates conflicts
with sports schedules and afterschool programs, leaves students without enough
time for afterschool jobs, and could interfere with bus schedules for
elementary-school students who typically get out later in the afternoon.
Many of the nearly 1,000 students who
attend Nauset Regional High School, tucked within the Cape Cod National
Seashore, agree that starting school later is better, even though it pushes
dismissal to 3 p.m.
“I’m not a morning person,” Mason Swift,
17, a senior who plays on the school’s baseball team, said recently. “If I had
to be here for 7:30, I would be asleep for the whole first block” of classes.
Massachusetts has one of the earliest start
times for secondary school students in the nation, according to a report last
year by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. On average, the morning
bell for middle and high schools in Massachusetts rings at 7:53 a.m. — 10
minutes earlier than the national average — while less than 12 percent of all
middle and high schools statewide start at 8:30 a.m. or later, according to the
The CDC has joined a growing number of
national organizations calling for later start times for both high school and
middle school students. Those organizations include the American Academy of
Pediatrics, the National Sleep Foundation, and the nation’s largest teachers
union, the National Education Association.
Owens, of Boston Children’s Hospital, said
many school systems have their schedules upside down, arguing that elementary
school students, who typically have the later start times, should be the ones
going to school early because they are the “morning larks.”
A pre-dawn start
Shortly after 6, as the first rays of dawn
illuminated the convenience stores, takeout restaurants, and doughnut shops in
Maverick Square in East Boston, 17-year-old Koraliz Cruz stepped inside the
glass entryway to the Blue Line. Cruz, with a tote bag slung over her shoulder,
had been up for more than an hour. This was the beginning of her hourlong daily
commute to Boston Latin Academy in Dorchester that has her racing to meet a
7:20 a.m. opening bell.
She must rely on public transit because the
school system does not bus high school students, leaving her with a commute
rife with potential delays. From the Blue Line, she changes to the Orange Line,
then catches an MBTA bus in Roxbury for the final leg of the trip on
traffic-clogged streets.
Many of Boston’s approximately three dozen
high schools have among the earliest start times in the state.
“I usually get five or six hours of sleep,”
said Cruz, explaining that four hours of homework kept her up until 11 the
previous night. She said she almost always walks to the T with a friend because
the neighborhood is not safe, especially before sunrise.
Cruz, a member of the cheerleading team,
wishes school started at least an hour later, adding, “I usually don’t wake up
until third or fourth period.”
Part of Cruz’s slowness to wake up comes
down to biology.
Mary Carskadon at the Sleep Research
Laboratory at Bradley Hospital and at Brown University has been leading
research into the sleeping habits of teenagers for decades. Carskadon and her
team have found that teenage brains secrete melatonin — a hormone that causes
drowsiness — around 11 p.m., about two hours later than younger kids.
The delay in sleep then ripples into the
morning hours, often causing students to miss REM episodes, the deepest level
of sleep needed to recharge their batteries, because their alarm clocks go off
first or a parent bangs on their bedroom door.
Shifting school start times to 8:30 or
later can bring about powerful change to students’ academic performance and
overall health, according to a study by the Center for Applied Research and
Educational Improvement at the University of Minnesota, which examined eight
schools with later start times in Minnesota, Colorado, and Wyoming.
The later times allowed about 60 percent of
students to get at least eight hours of sleep, and the schools saw increases in
standardized test scores and attendance rates and a decrease in tardiness, the
study said. It also found that the number of car crashes involving teen drivers
dropped 70 percent after a school shifted its start time from 7:35 a.m. to 8:55
This kind of research has spurred many
local school systems or grass-roots parent organizations to reexamine start
The Newton School Committee is expected to
select from a number of proposals this spring for later starts at the city’s
two high schools by September to help reduce student stress, which can be
elevated by exhaustion. Under the change, the schools could begin at 9 a.m.
instead of 7:50 a.m. at Newton North and 7:40 a.m. at Newton South.
In Mashpee, a panel of educators, parents,
and school leaders last month recommended starting the Cape town’s high school
an hour later, 8:30 a.m., beginning fall 2017.
And the Masconomet Regional School System,
made up of Boxford, Middleton, and Topsfield, is studying later start times for
its middle and high schools.
But a group of Boston Latin Academy
parents, who have been pushing for a later start time, are facing an uphill
battle, even though a survey of students that parents conducted last year found
that 40 percent of respondents got less than six hours of sleep a night. Only a
handful of Boston public schools start after 8:30 a.m.
“We believe this is a public health issue,”
said Deborah Putnam, one of the Latin Academy parents heading the effort.
Superintendent Tommy Chang declined to
comment through a spokesman. In a statement, the School Department said Chang
is “listening to parents and students on all sides of the debate” but added
“there is no plan in Boston to begin high school classes later in the morning.”
Researchers caution that delaying school
start times is not a silver bullet. Some teenagers are exhausted because of
other reasons, such as compulsively using their smartphones late into the
night, staying up to watch television shows or movies, drinking too much
caffeine, or cramming too many extracurricular activities into their days.
The Nauset Regional School District — which
consists of Eastham, Brewster, Orleans, and Wellfleet — spent years debating
whether to shift its longstanding 7:25 a.m. start time. Ultimately the research
into the benefits of a later start time proved to be too persuasive to ignore.
The biggest challenge was transportation
because Nauset buses students at all grade levels and schools shared a limited
number of buses.
To accommodate an 8:35 a.m. start at the
high school, officials had to move the start time of the elementary school,
which had opened around that same time, to 7:45 a.m. They also moved back the
middle school start time by a half hour to 8:30 a.m. so those students could
share buses with the high school students.
The broad changes, while benefiting the
high school, caused tardiness to rise temporarily in the elementary and middle
schools as families adjusted to the earlier start times. The school system also
never achieved transportation savings by consolidating the middle and high
school bus routes.
But the impact on sports was not as
significant as school officials initially anticipated. Neighboring school
systems have been accommodating in scheduling games later in the day or on
Saturdays, and several student athletes say sleeping later in the morning far
outweighs the late afternoon practices and games.
“It’s easier to get a good night of sleep,”
said Paul Prue, 18, a senior who plays baseball and says he gets about eight
hours of sleep.
Not all Nauset students embrace a later
start. Branden Patterson, 17, and a group of his friends show up to school
early most mornings, drink coffee in their pickup trucks, and listen to country
music while they wait until classes begin.
“Starting at 7:30 would be awesome,” said
Patterson, a senior, noting that an earlier dismissal would give him more time
to work at a local fish market.
But Mark Mathison, a math and science
teacher who specializes in teaching students with disabilities, said the later
start time appears to have helped many of his students.
“Trying to motivate those students at 7:30
in the morning was tough,” said Mathison, who also is president of the teachers
union. “But now they seem more alert and awake.”
James Vaznis can be reached at Follow him on Twitter @globevaznis.
I agree with many of these ideas, but could not disagree any more with the main proposal. I think that high school students need more sleep. I think that younger students would be more capable of getting up earlier in the morning for school. I think that circadian rhythms make older students naturally get tired much later than their younger counterparts. And I think that pushing back the start of the school day would solve little, if anything. The only way to make a deferral of the start of the school day for high schoolers to work would be to swap the starting times of high schoolers and elementary schoolers. The younger kids probably wouldn’t care at all, and the older kids would be grateful to be getting more sleep. Theoretically.
ReplyDeleteI don’t think that pushing the start of the day back will result in more sleep. Students will still have to spend eight hours or so in school every day and would still have the same amount of homework. My high school started at 7:35 a.m., which is among the earliest starting times, according to this post. I would get out at 2:05 p.m. every day and I was still up doing homework until 11 on a good night. This is coming from someone who was fairly studious and started his homework shortly after coming home and worked diligently until it was all completed. By saying, “…that teenage brains secrete melatonin — a hormone that causes drowsiness — around 11 p.m., about two hours later than younger kids,” this post seems to be implying that students were laying awake in bed for hours, waiting to fall asleep. In my experience, this was never the case. I was rarely able to finish everything I had to do until the time that my brain was releasing melatonin anyway. I would still be doing six or seven hours of homework every night even if the school day started later. If anything, pushing the start of the day back would just result in my work being of lower quality. My brain would still be excreting melatonin at 11, but I would have another couple hours of homework at that point instead of being able to go to bed. Being exhausted, I would probably end up making silly mistakes or simply rushing through whatever I had to do so I could get to sleep. Personally, I would rather get up earlier and go to bed earlier. I was always tired after a full day of school and homework, but I was never exhausted. Pushing back the start of my school day would never make me more rested. It would not change anything except for the quality of my work. Students would still be getting five or six hours of sleep every night. The only difference is that they would be going to bed at 1 a.m. instead of 11 p.m. and getting up at 7 a.m. instead of 5 a.m.
I completely agree with Ben’s comment regarding this article. I think that people see a later start time of 8:30am or even 9:00am and get all excited because its an hour or so later than what they’re used to. However, that is all it is. I think people are failing to realize that students make up for those hours with a later dismissal time, which is not ideal for several high school students. Pushing back the start time of school is pushing back everything students do, including their homework, after school activities, sports, and jobs. The article states that students are exhausted from school because they are forced to get up too early, but I disagree. As mentioned in the article, “Researchers caution that delaying school start times is not a silver bullet. Some teenagers are exhausted because of other reasons, such as compulsively using their smartphones late into the night, staying up to watch television shows or movies, drinking too much caffeine, or cramming too many extracurricular activities into their days.” Getting up for school isn’t the only thing making students tired, its all the other activities they are doing after school.
ReplyDeleteI personally went to a high school that started at 7:15am and our dismissal time was 1:45. I would arrive at school around 7:00am and head to my first class. With that start time, I would wake up at 5:15 each day for school. The people backing this article would most likely say that that is “unhealthy” but I think the exact opposite. Though I would be tired at times, having school start earlier and getting out earlier was very beneficial to me. I was able to have a job after school and get my homework done while still being able to go to bed early. I loved having an early start time for school and so I agree with the senior mentioned in the article when he said, “Starting at 7:30 would be awesome,” said Patterson, a senior, noting that an earlier dismissal would give him more time to work at a local fish market.” I think that if high schools did swap the start times with elementary schools, it would cause more harm than good. Several high school students are responsible for getting younger siblings or children they babysit for off the bus. If elementary schools get out earlier than high schools, who is going to watch those children? Changing the start time causes a hardship on those families who depend on high school students. I have seen this problem frequently at the school district I substitute teach in. This town has its elementary school getting out at 2pm and its middle and high schools getting out at 3pm. There is no one to watch those children for that hour and that is not okay. While substituting in the middle and high schools, I start at 8:10am and get out at 3pm. The last block of class starts at the time I would normally be getting out of high school and while I substitute for that last hour, I often think of all things I would have been able to get done in that hour. I think that if high schools delay their start time, students will still be tired because they are just going to be staying up later, resulting in the same amount of sleep as before. In my opinion, there is no magic cure for tired students.
I agree with both Ben and Erin. I believe that starting school any earlier than 8:00a.m. is completely ridiculous. I agree with Ben students need sleep. As students go further in their academic career, the material being learned is more dense, complicated, and challenging to the individual. From my own experience there is times where I stay up late trying to complete homework assignments in college. Unfortunately this happens constantly and is affecting the amount of sleep I get each night before class. Sometimes I'll stay up till 1:30am or 2:00a.m. just trying to complete homework for the next day. The next day I will have an 8:00a.m. as well. This means that I only get 6 hours of sleep. This as we learned in the class, is carried on into the classroom. The amount of sleep a student gets correlates to how much he or she is focused in the class, how much he or she participates, and most importantly how well they understand the material. I have a tremendous time trying to stay awake in my morning classes. I want to disagree with Erin when she says, "Some teenagers are exhausted because of other reasons, such as compulsively using their smartphones late into the night, staying up to watch television shows or movies, drinking too much caffeine, or cramming too many extracurricular activities into their days.” Getting up for school isn’t the only thing making students tired, its all the other activities they are doing after school." I disagree with this personally. I feel the amount of determination and dedication of each student varies. This means that students will spend longer on homework assignments or other work longer because they care about their work. I feel it is unfair for a student to wake up early who puts so much effort into his or her work that they stay up later to maximize the amount of achievement he or she can get in the class. From another perspective, some students take longer to complete assignments because they are slower learners. This does not mean that they are not as smart, it just takes longer for them to complete the work. I agree with Erin in a sense that some kids spend time on their phones or other extracurricular activities however, I have a response to that statement. Yes, some kids do that. However, it is crucial for students to unwind and do something they enjoy. If students were to complete school work day or night without doing anything they enjoyed, they would become burnt out. They have to do something fun and enjoyable. It is important for their mental health. Me being a college student, I have had nervous breakdowns where I realize I never do anything fun and I am constantly working. I have learned to take breaks and doing something I enjoy when I am done with homework. Even if it is really late that I go to bed. Sleep is crucial for the learning process. Activities like school work and other things play a huge role in the amount of sleep each student gets each night. The amount of sleep should be maximized for the benefit of each student's education. More sleep means more time in the classroom can be used for focusing and comprehending material.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading this article, I would have to agree with Erin that starting school before 8am is not a bad thing. I went to a high school that started at 8am was and hour away from my house. This meant that until I had my license, I had to leave at 6:30 every morning to make the bus in a neighboring town to arrive to school at 7:50. The school day ended at 3pm, but because of our mandatory sports requirement that we had instead of a gym class, the bus would depart at 5:15. By the time I got home, I had been gone for 12 hours. While this schedule seems crazy to a lot of people, it was quite manageable once I got into a routine. I tried to spend as much of my free time away from home doing homework. From the bus ride to extra time at lunch and study halls, I would prioritize getting all my work done before going home. This allowed for me to keep up with horseback riding and my friends from other schools, which would have otherwise been impossible. This is not to say I did not do homework at home, but rather made up for my time lost in transportation and sports practice. Other students would waste their free time at school and were often the students who complained the most about being tired and having too much homework. The point that I am making is that it all comes down to how a student prioritizes and manages their time. School’s latent function is to help students prepare for adulthood. If a student cannot figure out how to get enough sleep, complete their homework, and get to school on time, how will they manage having a job and a family as an adult? I also agree with Ben that pushing the start time back an hour would also push the time that students go to sleep back. I know that when I was in high school if I thought I was going to get a delay, I would stay up significantly later rather than take advantage of a few hours of sleep. I think that the real issue at hand here is that students are not learning how to manage their time wisely, not that they are waking up too early.
ReplyDeleteSuch a great information. This will help many peoples and students. Education is very necessary for the every one. Make education serves you. Investment in the education is more powerful then making investments in any other unnecessary things. Keep posting such a good posts.